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7 Amazing Reasons to try Acupuncture in Long Island’s Lifetime Acupuncture

7 Amazing Ways Acupuncture help patients with their health:

Acupuncture Can:


  • Ease the frequency and severity of hot flashes during menopause.
  • Help increase your energy by causing your body to release endorphin.
  • Help with weight loss.
  • Decrease the stress level and lower blood pressure.
  • Help greatly with digestive issues such as Acid Reflux.
  • Greatly help with pain management.
  • Help with Anxiety and Depression.



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Acupuncture Can Provide Relief From Your Daily Life Stress in Long Island

Let’s face it, while we enjoy many beautiful features of Long Island and New York area, busy life in Long Island and tri state area in New York brings a lot of stress to our life. An estimated 17.5 million Americans suffer from depression.

Patients who are searching for options are seeking alternatives to anti-depressant medication.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) states that “evidence for the use of acupuncture . to treat anxiety disorders is becoming stronger.”  Reuter’s health reported on a study from the University of York in the UK. The study recruited 755 people with moderate to severe depression. Seventy percent of the patients had been on anti-depressants and continued on them throughout the study. The study concluded that both acupuncture and counseling (or both) had a strongly positive effect on depression, lowering the depression scale from an average of 16 out of 27 at the start of the study, to 9 for acupuncture and 11 for counseling at its conclusion. The benefits lasted 3 months after treatment had concluded.

So how does acupuncture help with stress and anxiety? The acupuncturist inserts fine sterile and super tiny needles into certain identified acupuncture points on “meridians” which run throughout the body and correspond to certain organs.

Meridians can be thought of as a highway of energy, or “qi” in traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture works by getting rid of the roadblocks on this energy superhighway. When the energy blocks are removed, whole body functions and provides energy and happiness one needs.

Western medicine has shown that acupuncture releases endorphins, and activates natural pain killers.

Most patients during Acupuncture treatment fell a deep sleep and wake up with feeling of ease and rest in their body and mind.


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Acupuncture Treatment for No-Fault Patients in Long Island, NY

No-fault is a coverage under the automobile insurance plan of the vehicle you occupy while in New York State at the time of an accident.. You may also qualify for  this coverage if you are a pedestrian strike by a vehicle. This kind of coverage is designed to pay for your lost wages, medical bills and other medically-necessary expenses.  This means that your doctor must provide everything in writing. The reason,  it is called no fault insurance, is because it is available irrespective of who caused the accident.


In most cases,  under no-fault, you will not need a referral to see a specialist such as a , orthopedist, acupuncturist or chiropractor. Thus, if you do not have a primary care physician, you can usually still see a specialist without a referral. You, however, will need a referral for diagnostic tests such as x-rays and MRI scans, as well as physical therapy. It is best to consult with your attorney and insurance adjuster before seeing any healthcare practitioner.




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Acupuncture can help with your Seasonal Allergies in Long Island, NY

The best seasons of Long Island may also present some unpleasant problems for allergy sufferers. Sneezing, watery eyes, itching, nasal congestion are few to name. Allergy season usually begins in late winter or early spring in Long Island and runs through late summer or early fall. As the season progresses, different types of pollen start impacting Long Islanders with seasonal allergies. Trees are usually the first to pollinate. Various pollination of grasses tend to  follow in late spring and summer. Weeds can pollinate at different times of the growing season.

We are blessed to have April showers in both Nassau and Suffolk county, as rain is great for washing away some of the pollen.

As the allergy seasons start hitting, allergy patients look to find a relief.

While many over-the-counter remedies promise symptomatic relief, practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine believe that addressing the causes of allergies, treating the whole person, and focusing on balancing the immune system leads to substantial long-term health benefits in managing allergies.

The acupuncturist also looks for constitutional or more deeply-rooted signs in each person who presents with allergies. The principle here is treating the whole person. Often people with chronic allergies show signs of Spleen or Kidney Deficiency as well as Lung signs according to Traditional Chinese Medicine . The goal of the acupuncturist is to develop a plan which addresses the person’s acute symptoms and provides relief, while addressing the underlying immune system imbalance which is thought to be at the root of the person’s allergies. Treatments may often include dietary modification, the use of specifically chosen herbal formulas, and acupuncture.


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Acupuncture Can Help With Fibromyalgia Pain

The ancient Chinese alternative healing method called acupuncture is now a popular and widely accepted alternative pain relief method in the United States. An estimated 15 million Americans have tried this “unconventional” therapy. It is offered in many chronic pain clinics and is covered by some insurers and managed health organizations.


The Chinese therapy of acupuncture has been used for millions of years to treat a range of ailments. Now it looks like Western medicine is getting the point. The intent of acupuncture therapy is to promote health and alleviate pain and suffering. The method by which this is accomplished, though it may seem strange and mysterious to many, has been tested over thousands of years and continues to be validated today.The perspective from which an acupuncturist views health and sickness hinges on concepts of “vital energy,” “energy balance” and “energy imbalance.” Just as the Western medical doctor monitors the blood flowing through blood vessels and the messages traveling via the nervous system, the acupuncturist assesses the flow and distribution of this “vital energy” within its pathways, known as “meridians and channels.”The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture as an alternative pain relief for more than 40 conditions as diverse as asthma and chronic pain.

The Food and Drug Administration regulates acupuncture needles as medical devices, the same as it does surgical tools. And in 1997, a National Institutes of Health panel found acupuncture to be an acceptable treatment for many pain conditions, including fibromyalgia and general musculoskeletal pain. Modern studies have revealed that acupuncture stimulates one or more of the signaling systems, which under certain circumstances, can increase the rate of healing response. This may be sufficient to cure a disease, or it might only reduce its impact (alleviate some symptoms). These findings can explain most of the clinical effects of acupuncture therapy.It is also no surprise that some rheumatologists recommend acupuncture to be used alongside more conventional treatments. There are a few patients who even perform the acupuncture treatments on themselves.  When performed by a properly trained and licensed practitioner, acupuncture is safe and effective, free from adverse or addictive side effects. Quite often, a sense of relaxation and well-being occurs during and after treatments.


While undergoing therapy for one ailment, other problems may resolve concurrently. This is a common side benefit that again demonstrates the value of balancing the quality and quantity of “vital energy” within the entire person. Licensed acupuncturists know the human anatomy well, and insert needles in a safe fashion. The instruments used to penetrate the skin are either pre-sterilized and disposable after a single use, or disinfected and sterilized in an autoclave, as surgical and dental instruments are, after each use.

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