Did You Know That?
- Acupuncture needles DON’T HURT as much as people fear or imagine. Thin acupuncture needles are almost same or less felt than a mosquito bites in most cases.
- Before stainless steel needles that used in today’s acupuncture practices, very first acupuncturist used to work with thorns, bamboo slivers, and sharpened bone to stimulate acupuncture points.
- The oldest acupuncture needles were made of bronze, copper, tin, gold and silver. Oldest needles found date back to A.D. 600.
- Stainless steel was discovered in 4th Century A.D in China and became the most commonly used material since steel was strong and could make very thin needles.
- Waichi Sugiyama – a gifted blind Japanese acupuncturist invented the guide tube in 17th This was the biggest step in the development of much finer needles
- Today’s acupuncture are made of stainless steel of a very fine diameter (approximately 0.015″). These are prepackaged, sterilized, disposable and one time use only.
- Acupuncture needles were accepted by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995 as medical instruments, stating their safety and effectiveness.
- Acupuncturists look at your body as a whole and treat root cause of the complain rather than masking the symptoms.
- Acupuncturists can assess your overall health by checking your pulse and look at your tongue.
- Acupuncture treatments are different for each individual. Every person will have their own treatment plan based on complete diagnosis performed by their acupuncturists.
- The World Health Organization endorsed acupuncture for over two hundred symptoms and diseases – low back pain, seasonal allergies, headache, nausea, vomiting, allergic rhinitis, depression, anxiety, side effects of chemotherapy and induction of labor to name a few.